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Independent Journalism from across Scotland.

Scottish Beacon is a collaborative
network of independent local and hyperlocal newsrooms serving urban and rural communities.

Together we’re working to strengthen the voice of the community-based media sector and bring to light real stories from Scotland’s communities.

Photo: Volunteers posing for a group photo. Source: The Lochside Press

Volunteers made a difference at Loch Lomond

Volunteers joined in a session organised by the Friends of Loch Lomond and The Trossachs, …
Photo of a tree by Breeze

Stories of our native trees

Clydesider Magazine contributor, Breeze, shares where and why we can all enjoy some of Scotland’s …
Sign indicating biodiversity area by Jim Duncan

Where are all the butterflies?

Butterfly populations in Scotland have noticeably dropped, writes Jim Duncan. But what does this mean …
Rare Pine Marten in Balloch Castle Country Park by Jim Duncan

Rare pine marten spotted in Scottish national park is good news for the native red squirrel population

Pine martens, the most elusive mammal found in the UK, has been spotted in Balloch …
Photo: Govanhill solidarity signage. Credit: by Iain McLellan

Govanhill charities back calls for Scottish government to adopt more sustainable multi-year public funding models

Community organisations are doing impactful work to support the Govanhill neighbourhood in Glasgow, but short-term …
Photo: Police Scotland officers. Source: The Bellman

Seasonal safety tips from Police Scotland

Police Scotland have released their top tips and guidelines for staying safe during the winter …
Photo: Arrochar PS pupils took part in a litter pick as part of the Live Lesson. Source: The Lochside Press

Art competition focusses on Arrochar litter sink

An art competition focussing on the ‘Arrochar litter sink’ has been launched for schoolchildren in …
Photo: young child engaged in planting using pots and soil, learning gardening basics. Source: Anna Shvets (Pexels)

A Focus on Food: sustainable gardening projects for young people in the Glenkens

The Glenkens has traditionally been a farming area, so a focus on and understanding of …
Photo: Radiant & Brighter 12 year anniversary celebration. Source: Migrant Women Press

Radiant and Brighter celebrates 12 years of uplifting Scotland’s migrant communities

Since its establishment, Radiant and Brighter has been a guiding force for Scotland’s migrant communities, …
Photo: Dr MacKays Wood signage. Source: C&B News

Reviving Dr MacKay’s Wood: A Call to the Juniper Green Community

Dr MacKay’s Wood Needs Your Help! Local residents and the City of Edinburgh Council are …
Baked Bread With Raisins on White Plate

New Galloway community larder launch

From the community, for the community,’ is Local Initiatives in New Galloway’s (LING) focus on …
Photo: St Stephen's Church. Source: Broughton Spurtle

Solar panels for historic St. Stephen’s Church in Edinburgh

St Stephen’s Theatre Company seeks listed building consent to install photovoltaic solar panels on the …

Our latest project…

In this project, we aim to shift the dial on how issues relating to the green transition are covered. It follows our Citizens Agenda project, which asked people to define the issues that mattered most to them in the run-up to the General Election. Climate change and green energy were the top two issues that emerged. Over 100 days, we aim to collectively publish more than 50 stories that highlight community solutions that are already making a difference in this area.

scottish beacon 100 days of the green transition

Real stories from across Scotland.

Scottish Beacon is a collaborative network of independent local and hyperlocal newsrooms serving urban and rural communities. Together we’re working to strengthen the voice of the community-based media sector and bring to light real stories from Scotland’s communities.

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