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Shetland: Hopes for good engagement with community council consultation

Shetland Islands Council (SIC) is to go out to consultation to gather people’s thoughts on ...

City centre secure cycle parking hubs launched in Glasgow

Twenty hubs have been provided with a total of 116 cycle parking spaces. Nineteen of ...

Hub@531: The hub connecting an Edinburgh community

The Development Worker of Hub@531, a community space in Juniper Green, on the outskirts of Edinburgh, explains how with the help pf dedicated volunteers they are providing a range of activities and events to support to residents avoid isolation.

Argyll and Bute: Historic Kilcreggan pier document safeguarded

The original designs for the first pier in Argyll and Bute village Kilcreggan have been ...

Orkney: ‘School staff were left with no other option’ 

Most schools in Orkney were closed for three days, the 26th, 27th and 28th of ...

Six simple ways to improve planning democracy

For many people who approach it – occasionally and without previous experience or specialist training ...

‘Boulevard-style’ aspiration for Glasgow city centre’s M8 corridor

An update on the council’s aspirations to reduce the impact of the motorway corridor on ...

Shetland: Peer research on alcohol and drugs culture among young people provides valuable results

More than 200 young people aged between 14 and 26 took part in the research ...
women look at resources for neon projet

A community-led solution to child health inequalities

When you become a mum,  you can face challenges that leave you feeling isolated and ...

Scotland’s veterans commissioner visits Orkney

Whilst in Orkney, the Commissioner met with veterans, including those now working within Scotland’s NHS. ...

Helping hands: enriching Clydebank communities through positive initiatives

Life can sometimes feel filled with tragedy. So, it takes a special kind of person ...

Shetland: Outdoor sauna project set to offer Scandinavian experience that will make you sweat

Sounds far-fetched? Well, it will become a reality as of next month when Hannah Mary ...

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