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Review underway in Glasgow to see if full people-friendly ‘avenues’ can be delivered

Publication: reGlasgow

A number of the streets that were due to get active travel and public realm makeovers under the Glasgow city centre Avenues programme now have a question mark over them.

Buses on hope street Glasgow

A review is being carried out into the affordability of the full people-friendly scheme, which has a budget of £115million.

A report updating city councillors states: “Programme delivery over recent years has been significantly impacted by issues associated with Brexit, Covid-19 and the crisis in Ukraine with high inflation continuing to impact the construction sector and thus the delivery of the Avenues.

“Given current market conditions and resulting budgetary pressures, the Avenues Programme is currently being reviewed as part of the full City Deal Infrastructure Investment Programme, which is being undertaken at the request of Glasgow City Region, with the agreement of UK and Scottish Governments.

“Council officers are working to complete this exercise for spring 2024.

“Project teams are continually assessing cost savings and more effective ways of working throughout design development and construction.

“This is evident from the successful tendering of the Holland St / Pitt St Avenue that has been on site since March 2023 and the successful retendering of Sauchiehall Precinct and Cambridge Street Avenues, which commenced on site in early September 2023.”

Various streets are now ‘on hold’ as part of the wider programme review.

These include Cathedral Street, Hope Street, Glassford Street, Elmbank Street / Elmbank Crescent plus roads in the International Financial Services District (IFSD).

Details of progress on the rest of the scheme are also given:

— Argyle Street West is out to tender to secure a construction contractor with works due to commence in late spring 2024.

— Argyle St East is in the detailed design stage with tendering for a construction contractor to commence in early 2024.

— Dixon Street / St Enoch Square designs will be completed, however the tendering for a construction contractor will likely be delayed as part of the wider programme review.

— North Hanover Street and Kyle Street are nearing the end of the detailed design stage with tendering for a construction contractor to take place in early 2024.

— Sauchiehall Street Precinct and The Underline Phase 1: Cambridge Street are currently on site as a single contract for completion in summer 2024.

— The Underline Phase 2: New City Road is currently on hold because of the works being undertaken at the M8 Woodside Viaduct.

— Holland Street / Pitt Street started on site in March 2023 and is due to complete in July 2024. The southern section of Holland St is substantially complete and has been reopened to traffic.

— Stockwell Street design work has recommenced with trial pits to be undertaken in October 2023.

— Broomielaw / Clyde Street concept layouts are currently being completed for public consultation at the end of 2023.

— High Street proposals are currently in their infancy with options to accommodate cycling infrastructure being formalised as part of the concept design process that commended in October 2023.

— George Square and the surrounding streets (Phase 1) has entered the detailed design phase and a planning application for George Square is being submitted. Some of the streets on the periphery of the George Square Avenues programme are currently being assessed as part of the wider review.